Hai. My blog is very confusing.
Even for me. Use the
at the top-left corner of the page to navigate through it,
Indiana Jones The
1st star, you see it? Yeah. The 1st (it's the pink one) star, that leads to the creator of my blog skin.
Don't click it XD (unless, you know, you wanna copy my blog theme.) The
2nd star is for meh profile☆. The
3rd star leads to
my posts. The
4th star is where my links are at. The
5th star (Wow this is long..) .. Well, it's called time machine. Whatever. And the
6th star is for the CBOX. Someone else's CBOX.. XD Wow. This is such a high maintenance blog. But it's cute and purdy <3. This is my instruction manual.
It kinda sucks that I have to keep refreshing my window to click another star thinger. Oh well. Keke~